The Death of Ivan Reitman; the ghost of Harold Ramis; and my story: Genie High School Reunion available now in my new book My Sexy Date With Bigfoot


Ivan Reitman passed away recently.  He had directed a lot of my favorite movies from my youth: Animal House, Meatballs, and Ghostbusters to name a few.  Harold Ramis cowrote Ghostbusters and starred in it.  He also wrote the screenplay for and directed Groundhog Day which is easily in my top five favorite movies of all time. Is it arrogant to discuss my work alongside the works of these two superstars? I don't know. I mean it's not like either one of them will ever read it. But more importantly, it's my blog so yeah it's going to be about me.  Keep reading for an exclusive excerpt from my new book: My Sexy Date With Bigfoot!

I love a story that combines the fantastic with the everyday.  And while Ghostbusters certainly does this and does it beautifully; I love the way that it is more subtle in Groundhog Day.  How everything is perfectly normal except for that little something that is off.  In this case, it's how Bill Murray has to keep living the same day over an over and sure you're probably thinking that's not really subtle, it kind of is, right? I mean, everything is the same as it has always been and there's just one little twist. 

I also really love how they fight the urge to neatly explain what happened. He doesn't make a wish or pick up a magic amulet or go into a magic photo-booth* It's just what happens that day.  I've read interviews with Ramis where they talked about an explanation. They had one but decided not to use it. Which I love. I also love that the real magic in the movie is all about Bill Murray's character's humanity.  It's not even really about him falling in love with Andie MacDowell. That just sort of happens as a byproduct of his self actualization. 

In my story, Genie High School Reunion, which is probably the worst title of any story since The Lottery,  (Another terrible title and yet, a still a classic) Sarah Higgins returns to her high school reunion to find that her old friend Gene has become a genie.  I wanted to capture some of the same magic as Groundhog Day. That is to say there is real magic, and then the magic of human's being good humans.  

Here is an excerpt for the story available now in my new book My Sexy Date With Bigfoot available on Amazon. In this scene Gene (the genie) is explaining the common misconception that Genies twist your wishes.

“But see that’s the thing.” said Gene. “Unhappy people make unhappy wishes. It’s not me.”

“I don’t follow.” said Chris.

“A wish won’t make a person happy.” said Gene.

“Like money can’t buy you happiness?” said Sarah.

“Exactly. How many times do you hear about a big lottery winner who blows all of their money and ends up going bankrupt?” said Gene.

“Or someone works their butt off to become partner and then can’t enjoy it because everyone says she slept her way to the top.” said Jesse.

“Sure. I guess.” said Gene.

Sarah could relate to what Jesse was saying. At least some of it. I mean, she was pretty sure Jesse had actually slept her way to at least somewhere near the top of the middle. So, not so much the dirty, slutty part. 

But she remembered how hard she had worked to put Wallace through Osteopaths school. And then she got pregnant. Twice. They continued to work hard to buy their dream house but spent all of their time in the office. And then they worked hard to get a summer house they were too busy to visit; with a 28 foot sailboat in dry-dock, wrapped in cellophane like a leftover piece of brisket. They had worked hard at everything except their relationship. And when Robbie got sick it was all just too much. They had parted with just enough of their love left intact to be civil with one another.

“So, you’re saying if a wish goes awry it is more self sabotage then it is about the genie not giving the person what they asked for?” said Sarah.

“I’m not going to say that there aren’t some genies who are total dicks.” said Gene. “But that’s true in any profession. Most of the time genies try to give people what they ask for. But most people have no idea what they want, or what it will take to make them happy.”

“So what about happy people? You said unhappy people make unhappy wishes.” said Chris.

“Happy people have no need for wishes.” said Gene.

“What a load of crap,” snorted Chris. “Wishes make people unhappy? Only unhappy people get wishes?”

“I wish you’d stop talking.” said Jesse.

At this point Stevo hauled off and punched Chris full in the face. He crumpled to the floor.  Stevo threw both arms (and a full drink this time) up in the air. Second touchdown!

“Boom! Wish granted!” said Stevo.

So, yeah, exactly like Groundhog Day. Please buy the book.



*Have you seen, "When We First Met?" It's one of the movies that spawned from Groundhog Day after Groundhog Day literally became a genre in and of itself. It's cute and it has a magic photo-booth. That doesn't really spoil anything they explain that pretty early on. It stars Alexandra Daddario who I believe is one of the most beautiful women in the world. And Adam Devine who is not. But he's pretty funny. 
