And Now For Something Completely Different: Enter Monty Python To Make Our American Brains Explode

I remember my brother and I sitting in the kitchen watching our 10 inch black and white tv. I know what you're thinking, pretty small for a tv, and pretty colorless. But in fairness, way bigger than watching tv on my phone. It was New Years Eve and PBS was showing Monty Python and The Holy Grail. This would have been sometime in the mid to late Seventies. I'm not sure if we had seen the series before seeing this movie. I want to say my brother knew what the movie was. That he knew it would be on. It's a little muddled. It was a long time ago. If you've never seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail it is loosely based on the legend of King Arthur. But the knights don't ride horses they are accompanied by man servants who clap together 2 halves of a coconut to simulate the sound of hoofbeats. There is a witch trial where the witch has a carrot tied to her face for a nose. There are knights who say "ni" and French knights who threaten to, "fart...